We have a zero-tolerance policy with plagiarism, “mis-truths”, and the dissemination of false information.

We, as breeders, are unfortunately experienced with scammers and those that have plagiarized our works. As a researcher and buyer of puppies, you may have experienced the same, and for that I am sorry. We have full copyright protections and have sought legal counsel against “breeders” and buyers alike that have stolen information or mislead us regarding the purchase of a puppy. Please, be open and honest, and we will do the same. We will provide many pictures and videos of your puppy as they grow. Therefore, there is no need to download images and reproduce them from our website without permission. If you would like use of a certain image, please email us at jake@atlaspuppies.com

Thank you,

Jake & crew

 Copyright Notice

This website and its content is copyright of Atlas Puppies - © Atlas Puppies 2018 All rights reserved. Any redistribution, reproduction, or misrepresentation of part or all of the contents therein is prohibited. You may not, except with express permission from Atlas Puppies - © distribute or commercially exploit this content. Nor may you save or download data from Atlas Puppies without express permission from Atlas Puppies. All images are subject to the same legal protections as written text, and shall not be downloaded, printed, reproduced, or otherwise altered without express permission from Atlas Puppies.

All content is subject to copyright protections and is therefore the legal the property of Atlas Puppies. Those found to have violated our copyright protections will be met with swift legal action to rectify the situation.